Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Google Updates Local Search Algorithm (Pigeon Update)

Google Updates Local Search Algorithm (Pigeon Update)
Google’s recent update – unofficially labeled the “Pigeon” update – is impacting the local search listings associated with Google Maps (the 7-pack).

Although not a lot is known about the update yet, Google did say that it ties local results more closely to Google’s regular web ranking signals, and provides them better accuracy over distance and location rankings.
Early Results

1. One apparent outcome of this update is a significant change in which local search terms result in the display of the 7-pack (Google Maps) as reported by Mike Blumenthal (and later updated), including the inclusion of SEO, Web Design, and Marketing in the local results for the first time in over 5 years.

2. For those industries that are heavily associated with directories and review sites (i.e. restaurants, hotels, etc.), the individual businesses are showing up in the Google Carousel, but the Organic listings on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are filled with the directories (i.e. Yelp, Urbanspoon, and TripAdvisor).

Given Google’s confirmation that the update aligns Local Search more closely with regular ranking signals, this shift makes sense as the larger directory and review sites should have stronger search signals than individual businesses.
Marketing Implications

1. Periodically check your industry/business related Local Search terms to make sure that they haven’t changed – you may need to update your strategy if they do.

2. If your industry keywords are suddenly resulting in “local’ search results (i.e. web designers) – time to get optimized for local search.

3. If your industry keywords are no longer resulting in the local search 7-pack, focus on Organic SEO to make sure that you are appearing in the organic results.

4. If your SERPs are filled with industry directories and review sites, do what you can to make sure that your business shows up in those directory results – register your business, completely fill out the information, and collect positive reviews.

5. If your local ranking drops as a result of the update, you probably need to develop stronger Organic SEO signals – on-page optimization, backlinks, etc – to accompany your local optimization.

Source: http://blog.echelonseo.com/goolge-updates-local-search-algorithm-pigeon-update/

Thursday, June 5, 2014

4 Conspiracy Theories Matt Cutts Wants to End - Google AdWords, algorithm, SEO tools

There are quite a few different SEO myths out there that just won’t seem to go away, so Cutts addressed some of these in a video. He talked about four of the most popular:

Matt Cutts
  1. You will have higher organic rankings if you pay for Google AdWords. He also discussed how the opposite of this theory is just as prevalent (that you will rank better in organic if you don’t buy ads).
  2. Google changes its algorithm so people will be forced to buy ads. It make sense that Google wants you to buy ads and if you have low traffic, then you will be more apt to buy these ads. Of course, Cutts explained that this is very far from the truth.
  3. The latest black hat fad will help you rank. Cutts wants people to think for themselves and stay away from the latest fad about what is going to make you rank. Black hat tactics will never help you rank.
  4. SEO tools will always help you. There are quite a few tools out there that claim to do it all and guarantee you’ll rank number one. Unfortunately, many can get you penalized.
Cutts ends the video by saying that it’s important to realize Google’s goals and then align your strategies with those goals. This will help you differentiate between a myth and a fact. It’s not about money for Google, it’s about giving the searcher the best possible results.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Did Google Panda 4.0 Go After Press Release Sites?

Nine days ago when Google released Panda 4.0 – which aims to filter out “thin” content from top rankings – we focused our attention on the big Winners & Losers charts, Since then, some have noted that press releases may have also been hit big time.

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